Junior Handler Education

ESAA Junior Handlers
Junior Chairperson – Kristen Apodaca

Stipends Available to Compete in National Level Events.
ESAA offers a stipend of up to $250.00 for junior handlers to compete in national level dog show events. The junior handler must have an AKC Junior Showmanship Handler number and have been at least 9 and under 18 years of age when they qualified to compete in junior showmanship and/or performance/companion events at the national level dog competition. The junior must have qualified for the event with an English Setter and handle an English Setter at the event to be eligible for the stipend. This includes AKC/Royal Canin National Championships for Junior Showmanship, Westminster Kennel Club for Junior Showmanship and the ESAA National Specialty. In addition, stipends may be applied to the AKC National Junior Agility/Obedience Challenge, AKC National Agility/Obedience Invitational, AKC National Agility/Obedience Championships, and AKC Master National Hunt Test.
A total of no more than $750.00 will be given in one year, unless the Board of Directors determines otherwise. If more than one junior qualifies for a given competition, the stipend will be divided equally among the juniors that qualify for said competition. A junior who qualifies for more than one competition may be awarded a stipend for up to two competitions not to exceed a total of $500.00.
Guidelines to qualify are as follows:
- Junior handler must have an AKC junior handler number
- Junior handler must be a current ESAA member (junior, individual, or family) of ESAA
- Junior has fulfilled the requirements to participate and/or invited to national level dog competition with an English Setter
- Junior participates in national level dog show with an English Setter
- Proof of qualification and entry is required with stipend application
- Junior must submit a stipend application to ESAA prior to attending the competition
- When possible, payment will be made in advance of the event, but in most cases payment will be provided after the event
- Stipend checks will be issued in the name of the junior and parent jointly
- Should the junior be unable to attend or does not handle an English Setter in the competition, the stipend, if issued prior to the event, will be returned toESAA within 45 days of the competition
- Junior recipient will submit an article, describing their experience at the competition to the editor of the ESAA newsletter within 45 days of the event
ESAA Scholarships
The ESAA is proud to offer an array of Scholarships for our Junior handlers. For further information follow the links below, or by contacting Kristen Apodaca at sportypoo@aol.com. Scholarship requirements and selection criteria are listed below:
Take a look at our previous Scholarship Winners, we are proud to share their stories, and are certain they have a bright future in & out of the sport!
2022 recipient of the Misty Mondok Myers Memorial Academic Scholarship. Nine years ago I grasped a leather lead in my hand for the first time. Young and eager, I took…