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ESAA Futurity / Maturity

CHAIRPERSON: Kaitlin Daugherty

The Futurity and Maturity are ESAA created competitions which take place in conjunction with the yearly National Specialty Show and which offer cash prizes. As a general guide, you can think of the Futurity as open to only those dogs that are between the ages of 6 months and 18 months. The Maturity takes place two years after a dog’s Futurity year and is open to only those dogs that were eligible for their Futurity. Unlike regular classes or sweepstakes however, you cannot enter the Futurity or Maturity unless the breeder and owners have complied with the Futurity and Maturity Rules of Eligibility. There is no entry fee for Futurity and Maturity competition. The Premium List for the ESAA National Specialty will have detailed instructions on how to enter the Futurity and Maturity.


Futurity / Maturity Rules

Futurity Rules


Rule 1: Bitch Nomination and Litter Registration – Fee $25.00

(a) Form and payment must be postmarked on or before the puppies are 2 months old. Online submission and payment must be completed by midnight PST on or before the puppies are 2 months old. The form is available on the Futurity Home Page in the Forms Box. Click on the Online Form to fill out and submit electronically with payment by PayPal or click on the Mailable Form to print out and send by snail mail.

(b) All breeders of this litter (i.e. AKC record owners or lessees of the bitch at the time the litter is born) must have been members of ESAA for the immediate 6 months preceding birth of the litter. A breeder who does not satisfy the 6 month membership requirement will be permitted to nominate a bitch so long as the nomination form is submitted on time with a fee of $75 ($25 Bitch Nomination/Litter Registration plus $50 late fee) and the defective breeder’s membership is activated no later than 4 months following the birth of the litter. If the membership fails to activate no later than 4 months following the birth of the litter, Futurity eligibility ceases and all fees are retained by ESAA.

(c) When a Bitch Nomination/Litter Registration form is received by the Futurity Chair, the breeders will be sent a Futurity Enrollment form and information on their Futurity year and age class. You do not have to wait to receive a Futurity Puppy Enrollment form from the Chair if you are an owner of a puppy from a registered litter. You may submit the form and payment at any time before its due date. See Rule 2 below for more information. If eligibility ceases for any reason, all fees are retained by ESAA.

Rule 2: Futurity Puppy Enrollment – Fee $10.00 per puppy

(a) Form and payment must be postmarked on or before the puppy is 4 months old. Online submission and payment must be completed by midnight PST on or before the puppy is 4 months old. If payment is received after the deadline, Futurity eligibility ceases and all fees are retained by ESAA. The form is available on the Futurity Home Page in the Forms Box. Click on the Online Form to fill out and submit electronically with payment by PayPal or click on the Mailable Form to print out and send by snail mail.

(b) All owners of the puppy must be members of ESAA at the time of the Futurity Stake. If ownership of the puppy has changed at any time between Futurity Puppy Enrollment and time of the Futurity Stake, a Change in Ownership form must be submitted immediately to the Futurity Chair. The form is available on the Futurity Home Page in the Forms Box. Click on the Online Form to fill out and submit electronically or click on the Mailable Form to print out and send by snail mail. Notice of membership problems will be sent to both the breeders of the litter and the owners.

For more information, please contact
Kaitlin Daugherty, Chairperson – ESAA Futurity / Maturity
345 Aliso Dr NE Albuquerque, NM 87108
(262)352-6986 /

Maturity Rules


Rule 1: Initial Maturity Enrollment – Fee $10.00

(a) The first year following a puppy’s Futurity, the first of two Maturity enrollment forms is sent to owners of puppies who maintained Futurity eligibility. The puppy did not have to be shown or even entered in the Futurity, but the eligibility to do so must have been in place. This includes having submitted the Futurity Puppy Enrollment on time and all owners of the puppy were members of ESAA at the time of the Futurity Stake. The Initial Maturity Enrollment form must be postmarked by its stated deadline. Online submission and payment must be completed by midnight PST on or before the deadline stated on the form.

(b) You do not have to wait to receive the Initial Maturity Enrollment form from the Chair. You may submit the form and payment at any time before its due date. Check the Forms Box on the Futurity Home Page for the Initial Maturity form for your Maturity year. If your Initial Maturity year form is not there, contact the Futurity Chair for further information. If eligibility ceases for any reason, all fees are retained by ESAA.

Rule 2: Final Maturity Enrollment – Fee $10.00

(a) The second year following a puppy’s Futurity is its Maturity year. The Final Maturity Enrollment form is sent out approximately 2 months before its stated deadline to owners of puppies eligible for the Maturity. The form must be postmarked by its stated deadline. Online submission and payment must be completed by midnight PST on or before the deadline stated on the form.

(b) All owners of the puppy must be members of ESAA at the time of the Maturity Stake. If ownership of the puppy has changed at any time prior to the date of the Maturity Stake, a Change in Ownership form must be submitted immediately to the Maturity Chair. The form is available on the Futurity Home Page in the Forms Box. Click on the Online Form to fill out and submit electronically or click on the Mailable Form to print out and send by snail mail. Notice of membership problems will be sent to owners with the Final Maturity Enrollment form.

(c) You do not have to wait to receive the Final Maturity Enrollment form from the Chair. You may submit the form and payment at any time before its due date. Check the Forms Box on the Futurity Home Page for the Final Maturity form for your Maturity year. If your Final Maturity year form is not there, contact the Futurity Chair for further information. If eligibility ceases for any reason, all fees are retained by ESAA

For more information, please contact
Kaitlin Daugherty, Chairperson – ESAA Futurity / Maturity
345 Aliso Dr NE Albuquerque, NM 87108
(262)352-6986 /

Futurity / Maturity Forms


Litter Nomination / Registration

Enroll Puppy

Change Ownership

2025 Maturity First Enrollment

2024 Maturity Final Enrollment

How do you know which Futurity and/or Maturity Class you will be in?


The Futurity Chair will provide you with this information, but you can also use the guideline below, based on what month the puppy(ies) were born:

Mar – Apr – May

will be in the 15-18 Futurity class of the following year

Jun – Jul – Aug

will be in the 12-15 Futurity class of the following year

Sep – Oct – Nov

will be in the 9-12 Futurity class of the following year


will be in the 6-9 Futurity class of the following year

Jan – Feb

will be in the 6-9 Futurity class of their birth year

Maturity classes are exactly the same as Futurity, but 2 years later.

Additional Information

For more information, please contact

Kaitlin Daughtery, Chairperson – ESAA Futurity / Maturity
345 Aliso Dr. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108
(262)352-6986 /