ESAA Futurity Bitch Nomination/Litter Registration
Must be submitted on or before puppies turn TWO (2) MONTHS OLD
- All breeders of record (i.e. AKC record owners or lessees of the bitch at the time the litter is born) must have been members of ESAA for the six consecutive months immediately preceding the birth of the litter.
- If a breeder does not meet this qualification, the breeder can still nominate the bitch/register a litter, with the following stipulations:
- The nomination/registration form must be submitted on time with a one-time $50 late fee. Note: the $50 is in addition to the $25 enrollment fee, so the total nomination/registration fee would be $75.
- The breeder must apply for membership with ESAA and the membership must be activated no later than four (4) months following the birth of the litter.
- After the litter is registered in the futurity, if ownership of a puppy changes, the new owner must complete and submit a “Change in Ownership” form to the Futurity/Maturity chairperson immediately. The chairperson must have the correct owner’s name(s) two months prior to the Futurity stake at the ESAA National Specialty in order to confirm eligibility.
- The new owner(s) must be a member of ESAA by the time of the Futurity Stake.